Delivery And Payment


All local orders can be delivered with an additional charge. Please send us a message to discuss your delivery options.
Is there a extra charge for delivery?
Yes, we charge a delivery fee.
How much is the delivery fee?
This is dependent on your project size and location. Delivery fee starts at $50 and can go as high as $100.
Do I need to add delivery at the time of order or can I add this later?
You can add delivery either when you order, or later on. Simply contact us (Link the words contact us to the contact us page) to discuss your delivery options.


Payment made through our website is 100% secure. We except all major credit cards as well as alternate payment systems like Paypal, Venmo, Zelle. If you would like to pay using one of these platforms, click here and send us a email or use our facebook message chat at the bottom of the page to send us a message on our facebook page.
Do you except other forms of payment other than credit cards?
Yes, we accept Paypal, Venmo, and Zelle.
Is payment required upfront?
Yes, with all orders being custom made upon ordering. We require payment to be made at the time of ordering
How long after I order is my project started?
After ordering, your project will start in 2-4 business days . You will be sent updates throughout your project build.